Commissioned Artwork

Prices are an estimate and may vary depending on the detailed nature of the requested subject matter. Additional shipping or delivery charges may apply. A non-refundable 50% deposit is taken prior to beginning the painting. For paintings $475 and up, a payment plan may be arranged prior to beginning the artwork.
11x14 - $330(+)
12x16 - $390(+)
16x20 - $500(+)
18x24 - $590(+)
20x24 - $720(+)
24x30 - $900(+)
24x36 - $1,400(+)
30x40 - $2,000(+)
36x48 - $2,500(+)
48x60 - $3,800(+)
48x72 - $5,000(+)
60x72 - $5,900(+)
60x84 - $8,000(+)
72x96 - $10,000(+)